Facebook: Image Sizes Updated For 2022
Facebook updated the optimum image sizes for posts, event page covers, and desktop ads. Make sure you use the right sizes or risk important information being cut off. Email lisa@visiblymedia.com for details.
Facebook updated the optimum image sizes for posts, event page covers, and desktop ads. Make sure you use the right sizes or risk important information being cut off. Email lisa@visiblymedia.com for details.
Control how your speaking gig should be marketed. That includes your mug shot, logo, branding colors, and hashtags. Don't know what these are? Set up a ZOOM meeting or email lisa@visiblymedia.com to learn more.
Using text on images or colored backgrounds can make a great statement about your business, team, or that special announcement. Learning how to get these two elements to work together [...]
How often do you audit your digital assets? Email Visibly Media at info@visiblymedia.com and request a social media audit today.
Who is Visibly Media? I am PASSIONATE about helping people find their "a-ha!" moment and their next step(s), whether it's in business or pursuing a life goal.