Change is the only true constant in the universe. It will happen whether or not we’re ready for it. HOW we deal with change is a demonstration of both self-control and character.

Change can occur in our home life, economic life, school life, or career life. It can be anything from losing a family member to gaining one, losing a job to landing a new gig. We can either sit and wallow in self-pity or pick ourselves back up and move forward.

The middle can get, well, messy. Discouraging. Downright “I don’t want to deal with this right now” thoughts. Giving up is easy because it’s easy to react to the new situation. Below are three quick A-tips to keep your courage going so you can act proactively.

Quick Tips

  1.  ASSESS whether or not you can control the change. When the news is sudden, unexpected, out of left field, it’s easy to react and let fear and/or anger get the best of you. Ask yourself: will getting mad change the situation? Rarely is this answer “yes”. Give yourself no more than fifteen minutes to have a pity-party, then get ready to move forward.
  2.  ASSESS whether or not you have control over potential outcomes of the change, both from a large and individual scale. Most of the time, you do have control because you can make choices. These choices may not have much affect on the larger outcome(s), but they can impact you and your future. Take some time so you can weigh all available options. Call a family member or a trusted friend to be a sounding board and reality check.
  3.  ACTION. Create ways to manage the coming (or new) change based on what you learned you have control over. These can include setting goals (include a timeframe, otherwise it’s just a wish list) or writing out a list of the top 5 things you must get done the next day. If you have more tips to share, write me and I’ll update this post.
    1. Be Kind To Yourself

      Dealing with change isn’t just about the analytical stuff. Make time for some holistic approaches that help heal your body and soul. Below is a short list of ideas:

      •  Stay connected to friends, both to help & support, and get help & support.
      •  Take a walk daily with your pet or a friend.
      •  Create an exercise routine with your family or friend.
      •  Try some breathing exercises, such as box breathing, to control stress.
      •  Schedule time to listen to calming music or environmental sounds, such as waves crashing on the beach or a breeze through trees. A good phone app to check out is
      • Pay attention to your diet, but be forgiving about the occasional treat.

      Change may be constant and consistant, but it doesn’t have to be painful or exasperating. Most of the time we don’t have a choice about facing it. As J. Nielsen from the acclaimed History Channel series “Forged In Fire” is fond of saying, “Well, we’re going to do it anyway.”

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      #smallbusiness #businesstips #marketingtips #socialmedia #digitalmarketing #visiblymedia #tuesdaythoughts


      • Lisa Raymond

        Lisa Raymond is the owner and creative genius of Visibly Media. She has been in graphic and website design since 1997, social media management & marketing since 2007, married over 30 years, 4 children, 4 grandbabies, and Queen in her organized realm of chaos! Lisa & Visibly Media do not use any AI in the creation of marketing strategies, posts, and graphics.

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