Ready to dive into your MeWe Page’s analytics? Let’s go! My company is just getting started on MeWe, and I know the numbers will improve over time as we post more often. We’re creating a blog article that tackles MeWe posting strategy, so bookmark our blog page and check back!

Visibly Media understanding mewe page analytics

After you log in to your MeWe account, go over to your Page. Under the main hero header, almost center, you should see a small navigation menu. Click on “Analytics”.


Visibly Media understanding mewe page analytics summaryThe first thing you see is a short left-hand navigation menu with the following Page analytics choices to review: Summary, Followers, and Posts. Summary appears to be the first set by default.

For those who are Google Analytics users, this may look a little familiar.

The Summary page shows what activity your MeWe Page has had over a set period of time. The date range can be adjusted between 7 days and 30 days. You can see how many new followers your Page has had, how many post engagements and what type (i.e., emojis, comments, or shares), and you should see the most recent post to your Page.

Visibly Media understanding mewe page analytics new followers edit post

The neat thing is the post(s) have options from the analytics page. You can Edit, Feature, Delete, Add to Album, or Copy Link to Post.


Visibly Media understanding mewe page new followers

The Followers page shows how many new followers your Page has picked up over a period of time, on what day(s) the Page gained the followers, and from what state or country. The period of time can be adjusted between 7 days, 30 days, or 90 days.


The Posts page details are almost identical to the Summary page (well, mine are right now). This should change to show the top posts on your Page based on the number and type of engagements: emojis, comments, or shares. The time period can be adjusted to reflect 7 days, 30 days, or 90 days. When the three dots are clicked, you have the same post options as was described in the Summary section.

We’ll add another article about MeWe analytics in the next three (3) months. We’re testing some ideas for the posts and engagement to include in our strategy article. Bookmark and check back then, or search our blog for MeWe to see what we’re writing about.

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  • Lisa Raymond

    Lisa Raymond is the owner and creative genius of Visibly Media. She has been in graphic and website design since 1997, social media management & marketing since 2007, married over 30 years, 4 children, 4 grandbabies, and Queen in her organized realm of chaos! Lisa & Visibly Media do not use any AI in the creation of marketing strategies, posts, and graphics.

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