You started a new business or recently lost your Google webpage and need an online presence. Potential clients verify “a real business” by looking for your business website. More than that, your website needs to be responsive, with everything right on the home page – no bouncing around. We got you!

Our Just A Presence package:

  • 1 domain with 1 year of web hosting;
  • 1 business email address;
  • 1 paid WordPress theme with your content and images;
  • a single page (a.k.a. forever scroll);
  • free Wordfence security plugin.

Our team members use two-factor authentication to ensure your accounts will be kept as safe as possible. At the end of the project, you will get all licenses and control of your website, and basic training on how to work with your new website. We don’t use AI tools to create content for your website, blog, etc., because we want to use – and keep using – your words. You know your business better than bots.

You can also use the form below to request a custom quote for your project.


  • Lisa Raymond

    Lisa Raymond is the owner and creative genius of Visibly Media. She has been in graphic and website design since 1997, social media management & marketing since 2007, married over 30 years, 4 children, 4 grandbabies, and Queen in her organized realm of chaos! Lisa & Visibly Media do not use any AI in the creation of marketing strategies, posts, and graphics.

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