As I continue to grow my Visibly Media and work with my amazing clients, they sometimes ask me to solve issues that aren’t in my wheelhouse. I’ve learned there may be a couple of reasons (at least) for this, including not being comfortable with technology:

  •  I know social media and WordPress website design, so I “should” know all things tech-related, and/or
  •   they trust me to either know how to solve them or find out how best to solve them.

I am very honored my clients trust me so much as a partner — this speed of trust is a great asset and testimonial for any business or organization! However, I should “practice what I preach” during my coaching sessions and not violate my own boundaries.

Unless, of course, I want to and it makes good business sense to do so.

My latest issue to solve for one of my clients was email migration.

The Challenge

Now, I’m pretty darned handy with technology — even my husband will admit that! However, there are many things I know nothing about. Email migration is one of them.

My client’s workspace email program was marked “end-of-life” by GoDaddy some time ago but they allowed their clients and affiliates to stay on a while longer. When my client began having issues with their email, coupling that with the end-of-life program, we decided to move ahead and migrate them fully to GoDaddy and Microsoft Email Exchange.

There are quite a few things to consider when doing an email migration. Among the top:

  •  What day of the week works best in the company’s schedule, provided you have any control over this part?
  •  Whose email box will be receiving updates and/or requests from the email company while the migration is taking place?
  •  Is the person in the above bullet out of town for any reason?
  •  Are there any forwards in place?
  •  Is there an email box that needs to be set up for the first time during the migration?
  •  If your website is not hosted with the same company providing email service, does that web hosting company have the new DNS (domain name server) information so email transfers smoothly?
  •  Is there any additional documentation to review to set up additional email boxes or update email boxes on mobile devices?

Should I … or Shouldn’t I?

The smarter course of action would have been to hire an email guru to help me work with the client on this important challenge. When I mentioned that, however, the client wanted me to handle it because they knew they could count on me to make sure everything would be working properly.

Lesson learned: adopting the role of Project Manager not only would have honed my leadership skills, it also increased my scope of business contacts as I would have called several hosting companies, including an internal person with GoDaddy, to help me resolve this.

My client trusted me to help them through this, start to finish, and I did. Many kudos go to GoDaddy for their patience and assistance! I have a much larger appreciation for those who work with email software.

Now…do I want to do this type of work down the road? Not at all, but, I’m definitely appreciative of the new knowledge gained.


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  • Lisa Raymond

    Lisa Raymond is the owner and creative genius of Visibly Media. She has been in graphic and website design since 1997, social media management & marketing since 2007, married over 30 years, 4 children, 4 grandbabies, and Queen in her organized realm of chaos! Lisa & Visibly Media do not use any AI in the creation of marketing strategies, posts, and graphics.

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